Dr. Connie Hebert helps kids, parents, and teachers by helping them become experts at catching "the teachable minute" anytime, anywhere! My Teachable Minute Blog offers quick tips on how to engage with younger and older kids. Comments, questions, and reflections are always welcome . . . let's catch a million teachable minutes together!

Archive for January, 2014

The Importance of FUN!

Why is ‘fun’ important for kids to experience?
Kids love when parents say, “Go, have fun!” Why? Because it’s permission to BE a kid…they want and need to have FUN!
Can we make “the teachable minute” fun for kids? Of course! Actually, the more fun the experience is for kids, the more they will learn. Kids are all about FUN! They ‘see’ the fun in everyday life experiences and they create fun for themselves using imagination and creativity IF they are allowed to. My experiences as a teacher, kid specialist, and mother of three, have shown me the importance of allowing kids to be kids . . . and that means allowing them to enjoy the FUN of life.
When kids are expected to be perfect, they start to lose interest in fun. After all, having fun requires one to let loose and to be authentic. FUN IS IMPORTANT…
To bring Dr. Connie to your school for parent literacy events, teacher training, model lessons, and more, please fill out an Inquiry Form at http://www.conniehebert.com
Dr. Connie Hebert is dedicated to catching kids in motivating, engaging, and effective ways. She is the author of Catch a Falling Reader, Catch a Falling Writer, Catch a Falling Teacher, Sight Word Phrases, and a new book for parents: The Teachable Minute: The Secret to Raising Smart & Appreciative Kids. More information at: http://www.theteachableminute.com